Thursday, April 29, 2010

“Had it not been you”…

As mentioned in my previous post, my steps towards “Randomness” wouldn’t have been so firm “Had it not been you!” Yes, I am kinda acknowledging the ones who got me closer to my dream track. Who helped overhaul this fear and gave me confidence to stride ahead…

Like all acknowledgements, I’ll start off with my parents. What I got from them is blend of support and resistance. On one hand, their support helped me gain confidence on my decision their resistance helped me collect myself together and have a critical look at the decision that I am taking. You know at times we tend to get overly optimistic about future and this is where criticisms like these come into picture. Along with so many things that I have learnt in the last couple of years, I have also learnt how to take and respond to criticisms positively.

Next in queue, are my classmates from my engineering days. They were of two types, one who seemed to have that unflinching faith on me and my capabilities and they did communicate it to me frequently and then there were people somehow believed I am too capable of doing things and made sure that they innovate ways to tie me down. While the type 1 inspired me the type 2 always kept me on my toes. Type 1 always told me what I am worth and Type 2 always told me how ugly can politics get. But both of them taken together, in their own funny ways, ensured that I don’t get settled down with a “Commoners’ ” lifestyle. And how can I forget my lecturers!!! Their constant mentoring outside class and patience (with my dozing off after lunch break) inside were priceless!

Now it’s the turn for “My Group” that I made during college days and which is still holding strong. These 8 people (including a lecturer) have been like a family to me. I can’t tell you the number of people we have surprised just by demonstrating the strength of our group. They are the closest confidants that I have in this big bad world. The most peculiar thing about this whole group is we may forget to congratulate each other on achievements, forget the birthdays (And at times shamelessly wish a day before due to memory issues!). But come bad time and see how we regroup! This group has attributed to my decision making process in so many ways that I can’t just account them. All I would say is “indispensible” is an understatement for them!

Finally, I would talk about the “catalysts”(personified) who actually helped me zoom past the “procrastination” phase and actually get me on start up track. These weer the people who never got tired discussing business with me (and they still don’t). They stuck to me when I was giving fancy ideas (non feasible ones too!!!). Slogged their a*** preparing mockups and presentations for my fancies without ever asking back for a favor. To worsen it more, I did not use any of the mock ups and presentations made by them! Cause only after huge much amount of effort from their side, I was able to see that the idea has no value! And guess what, they still feel that my ideas were great. You know what, they were the ones to lend “Wings to my imagination” and see today finally I look like taking off!

I dare to make yet another understatement… “Thanks” to all of you!

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