Thursday, January 10, 2008

MEntrepreneurship- Becoming Entrepreneur Mentally

The first step:

Are you divided on how to steer your future … You have plans that aren't materializing? Or for that matter you aren't working on it? Hey you started working on it and suddenly midway you dropped the idea (That's cool :-)). You aren't happy with you are today or you aren't sure what you are going to be a couple of years down the line and feel that you are simply driven by flow of time, just like another dead fish flowing along the stream of river…
Chill dude you are in same band as me. But then if you say yes to all the questions above, then wait a minute, I am better placed than you are, cause I have plans and I am working on it.(To add to it , I haven't dropped the idea as of yet). Ok, my plans are a different issue at all. Let's talk about what your plans are!!! I know that's a tough question to answer, but believe me it's not all that tough.
Now let me help you do some planning. All you need to do is answer my few questions to yourself and then what you'll have at the end will be a right kind of plan.
So your first question is: Are you happy and content with the kind of lifestyle you have? Are you sure that you are well prepared to take you problems by horns every time they come (I mean something like mid life crisis, child upbringing, ageing parents, etc). If your answer is yes, then let me congratulate you for being the luckiest person on earth and I would advise you not to read further. If you say 'No', then keep reading…
Now, you said you aren't happy. So what is it that's ailing you? Just give it a thought… Vivekananda once said that "Whatever you are today is a result of what you did 5 years back". So that means you had at some point of time decided to be, what you are today! So what are you unhappy with??? It means that you were double minded when you took a decision 5 years back. Correct? No, I am wrong when I say that, because you never knew how life is going to be once you reach your destination. In nutshell your present is the result of the decision you took in past and unfortunately that decision was taken in ignorance and without thorough knowledge of facts. So now take a deep breath, and try to recall a person whom you admire most. Found him? Take my word, the lifestyle of the person, his profession (if no profession exactly, then at least the income from it) and his image is your dream. But once again, before making this dream your GOAL, do a thorough research on the kind of problems that person is facing, in case you are ready to take it, you are well on your way.

Articles to follow:
2. Convert your dreams to goal
3. MEntrepreneurship

1 comment:

  1. Hey That was great!! What you said is true 5 years back if we look back, We sometimes don't like what we did!! Please visit my blog and comment

