Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Chase it hard-THE 'E' of Entrepreneurship

An entrepreneur is a fighter who braves all odds!

The first one being coming out of comfort zone !!! You may be a settled employee enjoying a fat fixed pay per month. But is it all that you want? Working below someone all your life and not being recognized for your efforts. Shed it buddy!!!
Next you need to decide what you actually want out of your life? is it only money? Or a lifestyle where you are recognized by millions. Ofcourse that kind of lifestyle doesn't come easy.
Having fixed a goal at an abstract level you need to fix a feasible goal rather a goal that can be achieved. The chracterstics of smart goal setting is:
1. It must be measureble
2. It should be specific. No beating about bush. It could be a mansion that you want to buy in a fix time span or the revenue of your company.
3. Watch out i mentioned a fixed time span above. Thats a must!
4. After setting a goal ask yourself Will be able to achieve it. Does your planning have contingency plans to reach your goal even when things dont turn out as u planned it?
5. No COMPROMISE!!!! Dont adjust for anything less than what you have actually aimed for. You should keep competing with your expectation every time !!!
Suggested reading:
1.Harvard bussiness review on Entrepreneurship
2. It happened in India. By Kishore biyani

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